Evening Reading: 04-28-24

Today’s Reading

Today’s Commentary

* Words cannot describe how much I detest this auto start-stop “feature.” My F-150 has it, and it’s seemingly impossible to disable without giving up your trailer hitch, which I need. I won’t buy another vehicle that has it and makes it hard to disable. Period.

** One of the best books ever written, and includes the best passage ever written.

*** I’m not a huge crossword guy, but I love the NYT Mini. If I can finish it in under a minute, I take it as a good omen for the day.

Today’s Cool Thing

Today’s Emotional Weather Report

For Kent’s real-time links and reading list, follow him at that abysmal mess that used to be Twitter.

Evening Reading: 04-19-24

Today’s Reading

Today’s Commentary

* I adore Crows. I have a pair at the farm that live nearby and can often be heard throughout the day going about their Crow business. I am determined to befriend them.

** Apple has pleasantly surprised me before, but why in the name of all the Elvises do you put the screen on top of a round device. Seriously. Just make a better Alexa. And while you’re at it, fix the train wreck that is Apple Home. I can’t successfully add anything to my in-town house. And more times than not it takes multiple tries at the farm. It’s a broken system that needs to be scrapped and rebuilt from the ground up.

*** Given that much of the extreme right involves maintaining the status quo, oppressing women and people of color and laundering the sort of hate-speak I thought (perhaps naively) we’d mostly left behind, I don’t find anything about this surprising. Initially, I thought the takeover of the Republican Party by literally the worst and least intelligent segments of our society was funny. Now I think it’s a real threat to our political system. Android is a bolted-together mess, but it provides healthy competition for Apple. Same with the GOP. I want it out there to keep Democrats on their toes. In sum, if I were a Republican, I’d be way more interested in reclaiming my party than flying a bunch of stupid Come and Take It flags and making fun of the other side.

Today’s Cool Thing

Today’s Emotional Weather Report

For Kent’s real-time links and reading list, follow him at that abysmal mess that used to be Twitter.

Evening Reading: 04-17-24

Today’s Reading

Today’s Commentary

* This is a truly amazing video. Watch to the end.

** I like Notes and use it all the time. I think with a few evolving tweaks, it could become one of the essential Mac productivity apps. Really solid. Unlike the Apple Sports app.

Today’s Cool Thing

Today’s Emotional Weather Report

For Kent’s real-time links and reading list, follow him at that abysmal mess that used to be Twitter.

Temple of Mirth: 04-17-24

It boggles my mind that people who appear literate- and even kind- on the outside want this guy to be President.

More from the Temple of Mirth.

Cards & Letters, No. 1

An inscription from one of my high school year books, just before I shredded the pages. Paper reduction, and whatnot. This is some good, efficient writing.


Although you think I absolutely can’t hang, believe me I can. Stay as conceited as ever.


Evening Reading: 04-16-24

Today’s Reading

Today’s Commentary

* Twitter was really useful for a long time, especially around keeping up with news via Tweetdeck. It’s a hot mess now, and I find myself using Reddit for breaking news, etc. I wish everyone I like to read would just move en masse to Threads.

** There was a time when I thought Space Ghost was the very best thing on TV.

Today’s Cool Thing

Today’s Emotional Weather Report

For Kent’s real-time links and reading list, follow him at that abysmal mess that used to be Twitter.

Evening Reading: 04-15-24

Today’s Reading

Today’s Commentary

* This is a tough one for me. Even in the small musical pond I float around in, I have faced blowback from friends and acquaintances when they recognize- or think they do– themselves or their stories in my songs. I guess where I come down is if you have to write a song about another person’s trauma, you should at least let them know before they hear it on the radio.

Today’s Cool Thing

Today’s Emotional Weather Report

For Kent’s real-time links and reading list, follow him at that abysmal mess that used to be Twitter.

Evening Reading: 04-12-24

Today’s Reading

Today’s Commentary

* It’s hard to believe a company as elegant as Apple released such an unimpressive, half-baked and ugly app.

** If Amazon would simply let me put a clock, the date and the weather on a screen that was static unless and until I asked Alexa something, I’d buy 10 of them. Part of the reason Alexas aren’t more successful is Amazon’s intrusive, inflexible content pushing.

Today’s Emotional Weather Report

For Kent’s real-time links and reading list, follow him at that abysmal mess that used to be Twitter.

Evening Reading: 04-09-24

Today’s Reading

Today’s Emotional Weather Report

For Kent’s real-time links and reading list, follow him at that abysmal mess that used to be Twitter.