Why I’ll Never Eat at Skeeter's Mesquite Grill Again

All regular blogging is temporarily suspended while I spend a few minutes crapping all over someone who really pissed me off this morning.  It’s moments like this when all the work over all these years building a little readership seems worth it.

We’ve been regular customers of Skeeter’s Mesquite Grill at Bissonnet and Weslayan here in Houston for many years.  In fact, it’s not unusual for some of us to have breakfast there twice a weekend.  They have a breakfast bar that we enjoy- or used to.


Lately, over the past month or so, I have noticed- and commented to Raina- that the quality of the food at the breakfast bar seems to be declining.  The eggs aren’t as good.  The omelets are a mess.  Even the dishes and silverware aren’t always clean.  Last week, the first two plates and the first fork I picked up had dried food on them.  Today, both forks I picked up, for me and Luke, had the same problem.  Little things, yes.  But noticeable.

I don’t have a gourmet palate, so I can get past a lot of that, in exchange for a reasonably priced and quick meal.

What I cannot always get past is an attitude.

There’s this one guy who works at this restaurant- he’s at least a manager and may be the owner.  I don’t know.  What I do know is that he has an attitude problem.  I’ve noticed it before.

I’m not a touchy feely sort of guy, so I don’t really care if someone gives a little attitude, as long as they do their job.  It’s not that easy to make me seriously angry- there’s too much else to be done to get hung up on stupid stuff.

But today, this dude managed to get me there.

Luke likes hamburgers for breakfast.  Not typical fare, but so what.  I let him have them.  We’ve ordered breakfast hamburgers many times at Skeeter’s.  It takes a little longer to cook in the morning, but it’s never been a problem before.  This morning, I ordered the breakfast bar for me and a hamburger for him.

20 minutes later, I walked up and asked, nicely, if his order (number 6, per our receipt) was about ready.  The cook didn’t seem to know anything about it.  Then Mr. Attitude comes over and starts telling me how they don’t sell hamburgers in the morning and that he doesn’t know who in the world sold me a hamburger.  It seemed like he was implying that I was making up the hamburger business, so I offered to show him my receipt.  At this point I was irritated, but not yet furious.  He goes on about how they don’t sell hamburgers in the morning, and this and that.  I told him that we’ve done it lots before, and asked how I’m supposed to know that it’s suddenly a problem, given that I had just been allowed to order one and had the receipt to prove it.

I didn’t care all that much about the burger- Luke would be more than OK with doughnuts in lieu of a hamburger.  What was getting in my craw was the simple, indisputable fact that we’d ordered plenty of breakfast hamburgers before, we’d been allowed without question to do it today, someone either lost or blew off our order without even telling us, and this cat was somehow trying to make this my fault.

Either this guy is oblivious or he has to recognize me as the guy who brings large groups of kids to his restaurant once or twice a week, to eat his food and stuff my quarters into his vending machines.  But he seemed not the least bit concerned that my 5-year old didn’t get his food.  He was much more concerned with lecturing me on the sudden unavailability of morning hamburgers.

At this point I was done.  With that dude and with Skeeter’s.  I told him, in no uncertain terms, that I was a regular customer, that all I did was ask about our order, and all I was getting from him was a bunch of attitude.

And I walked out.  Never to return.

Skeeter’s won’t go out of business because I stop trading there, any more than Wall Street will fall because people claim to be occupying it.  But sometimes it’s worth it, just to make a statement.  Just to make a point.

Because sometimes that’s all you can do.

4 thoughts on “Why I’ll Never Eat at Skeeter's Mesquite Grill Again

  1. Geez…why blogging isn’t regulated….
    We cook on live mesquite fire…we don’t even start the fire until 10:30 so – no – we don’t offer hamburgers before lunch… that said we are happy to make kids burgers on our flat griddle during breakfast time for regular customers or anyone that asks.  Our regular cashiers would have recognized you, rung it up and told the cooks of the special order…your day however we had a new cashier who is just learning that we can do things ‘off the menu’.  She rang you up but didn’t tell the cooks – the ticket looked to them as a misprint.
    Sorry – we messed up, we do sometimes…  We would have happily refunded your money and remade the order but you were too upset to listen.  Sorry again.
    We work pretty hard to please folks.  Maybe that’s why we’ve been here for 23 years…we’ll keep trying.
    Gary Adair
    Skeeter’s Grill

  2. I also write for some pretty “regulated” publications, so at least I have that going for me.

    Read my post.  It wasn’t about the fact my son didn’t get his hamburger.  Let me restate the relevant part for you:

    “I didn’t care all that much about the burger- Luke would be more than OK with doughnuts in lieu of a hamburger.  What was getting in my craw was the simple, indisputable fact that we’d ordered plenty of breakfast hamburgers before, we’d been allowed without question to do it today, someone either lost or blew off our order without even telling us, and this cat was somehow trying to make this my fault.”

    If you are the guy I was talking to, there’s no need to continue, because I am certain we will not get anywhere.  If you aren’t, then you need to focus not on the cashier who may have made an innocent mistake (I didn’t mention it in the unregulated post, but that guy immediately started throwing the poor cashier under the bus, which added to my irritation), but on the way this guy relates to customers.  Again, I’ve noticed his attitude before.  This time I experienced it.

    Look, I’m not on some unregulated (I’m going to use that adjective in every sentence I write here from now on) vendetta.  I just think that guy badly mishandled the situation.  Once more, it wasn’t about the absence of a hamburger; it was about the way that absence was handled – by the manager guy, not by the cashier and not by the cook.

  3. Kent Newsome,

    Sorry, you missed my point.  I absolutely know we were at fault.  You forked over your hard earned money and we didn’t make
    you happy…it’s as simple as that. 
    We’ll work to get better.

    Please don’t take the 
    ‘regulated’ so personally… I simply mean that I hate that anyone can say
    anything on the web with no rebuttal. 
    It’s like arguing in public…it’s just not my style.  My email address and phone are on our
    website.  Anyone can call or write
    me anytime with complaint or suggestion. 
    I’m happy to discuss and do my best to remedy.  I’ve even been known to make new friends through the

    Again please know I’m sorry for your poor experience. 


    BTW – I’m not the guy you were talking to… he’s our manager
    and my friend.  He’s been with us
    for twenty years.  He’s a good man
    who looks out for both our customers and our crew.  I wish you knew him better; I think you’d think as much of
    him as I do.


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